The Canal Fulton Fire Department has a long and colorful history of service to the community.
Established in the early 1800’s and, at the time, using a wooden hand-operated pump and bucket brigade. In 1874, the Fire Department acquired its first modern piece of fire apparatus: a horse-drawn steam-operated pumper that serviced the community until the early 1900’s. The old unit was retired with the arrival of cars and trucks. The 1874 steam pumper is still in the possession of the Canal Fulton Fire Department and is kept at the west side station and is displayed on special occasions.
Legislation was passed by the Borough of Canal Fulton to organize a fire company consisting of 45 men on January 2, 1874. Records do not reveal when the original fire station was built or moved to its location on High Street, before being torn down August 26, 1951. History tells us that it once served as a church and was located on grounds now occupied by the grade school. Its age is undetermined, except that the bell that hung in its tower and is now inside the current fire station was dated 1874.
The Canal Fulton Fire Department has gone through many changes in the last 150 years and today is a modern fire department operating out of two stations with two modern pumpers, two advanced life support ambulances, a grass fire truck, and a utility van. It has a membership of approximately 60 fire and EMS personnel. While still a volunteer Fire Department, we are staffed 24/7 with paid part-time personnel to better protect the residents of the community.
Although technology and equipment have changed since the 1800’s, the same dedication exists today as in years gone by.